
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Senarai Program yang ditawarkan di UiTM Sarawak

UiTM Sarawak


Diploma in Accountancy (AC110)
Diploma in Art And Design (Graphic Design & Digital Media) (AD111)
Diploma in Art And Design (Fine Art) (AD118)
Diploma in Banking (BM112)
Diploma in Building (AP116)
Diploma in Business Studies(BM111)
Diploma in Computer Science (CS110)
Diploma in Civil Engineering (EC110)
Diploma in Electrical Engineering (EE111)
Diploma in Environmental Health (HS113)
Diploma in Information Management (IM110)
Diploma in Nursing (HS110)
Diploma in Office Management & Technology (BM118)
Diploma in Planting Industry Management (AT110)
Diploma in Public Administration (AM110)
Diploma in Quantity Surveying (AP114)
Diploma in Science (AS120)
Diploma in Sport Studies (SR113)
Diploma in Tourism Management (HM111)
Diploma in Chemical Engineering (EH110)
Diploma in Industrial Chemistry (AS115)

Bachelor of Accountancy (HONS.) (AC 220)
Bachelor of Administrative Science (HONS.) (AM228)
Bachelor of Business Administration (HONS.) Finance (BM222)
Bachelor of Business Administration (HONS.) Marketing (BM220)
Bachelor in Office System Management (HONS.) (BM232)


Pre-Diploma (Commerce) (PD003)
Pre-Diploma (Commerce) (PD002)

Diploma in Bussiness Studies (DBS)


  1. Assalamualaikum Amyryqa, i'm just asking some of your time to read this and if it's not too much trouble please share it with your friends.May Allah Bless you.

    I would like to share something. As I was scrolling down the timeline on my facebook, I noticed something that from my point of view is quite inappropriate. It was a facebook page as stated above. This facebook page “showcases” pictures of girls who are not wearing their hijab properly. Some pictures are even semi-nude. I browsed through the pictures because I was worried thinking that there would be pictures of me or someone I know. And as I feared, there are pictures of two girls whom I know on that facebook. I quickly warned them. Though their pictures are totally appropriate but I think putting up their pictures among those other “pictures” is just wrong. People might speculate about them. I don’t know the real and main intention of this facebook owner but I have to say that what you’re doing is wrong. Maybe you think that by doing this facebook page of yours, you might help all the girls and women out there to dress properly but this “method” is wrong. You don’t have the right to put up those pictures. There are other ways to preach, a much better way. Putting up pictures of the girls is a form of embarrassing others. Islam does not teach that. Some of those girls maybe took those inappropriate pictures intentionally but we don’t have the right to judge and embarrass them. The best way to advice someone is by doing it nicely without hurting their feelings nor embarrassing them in front of others. If you don’t like what they’re doing, you can tell them nicely. If you don’t have the courage, pray to Allah to give them signs and lead them towards the right path. I plead to you to stop what you’re doing. Please… This isn’t the way. Try and think of all the consequences towards everyone. Ask yourself whether or not Allah is please with your actions? Is it right or is it wrong. I believe that the admin meant no harm and didn’t realize your actions are implicating those who are actually innocent. I am not a perfect servant of Allah. I sometimes make mistakes too. I am not trying to provoke you or cause you any harm, I am just stating my point of view.

  2. Salam, sye nk tnye bachelor of business admin (marketing) di kampus mane eh? :)

  3. i want to ask you something.. If i fresh graduate from giatmara with Skm level 3. i can continue study here or not?

  4. i want to ask you something.. If i fresh graduate from giatmara with Skm level 3. i can continue study here or not?

  5. i want to ask you something.. If i fresh graduate from giatmara with Skm level 3. i can continue study here or not?

  6. Uitm mukah memang ada 2 je course?

  7. I fresh graduate from College WIT with MQA certificate. Will UITM accept the certificate of Malaysia Qualifications Agency for diploma civil engineering ( Kota samarahan )?
