
Monday, November 14, 2011

11 things about me ~~~

i've been tagged by cik Najwa Ameer
so... here how it goes...

  • You must post these rules
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their blog
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for people you tagged to answer
  • You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post
  • Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her
  • No tag backs

1. amirah 'atiqah = puteri yang satu :)
2. saya suka numbe 4. but i'm 3rd.
3. really adore♥ 'kufufly' and purple!
4. suka gila hadiah.. *tapi malu =.='
5. suka makan mushroom soup & pizza!
tak bape suka ikan*malas byk tulang.
6. bila sensorang... saya suka berangan. *kalaulahhh ..
7. suka tgk drama korea && action.romantic.comedy muvi.
8. suka choc, susu, cool blog && ice cream.. yummmyyyy!
9. temperamental person
10. saya penakut . && saya sangat takut terjaga dri tidur time tga malam )';
11. lastly, sangat sayang family saya...

tentang diri sendiri,,, mmg lah byk kan.??
tapi tak tahu nak letak yang mana.. HAHA

ni semua soalan dari cik Najwa Ameer :~~
  1. Who is your best teacher you ever had?
  2. Do you have your own fashion? What is it?
  3. What is your favorite number?
  4. What song did you hear just now?
  5. Do you like cat?
  6. Why do you make this blog?
  7. What is your ideal home like?
  8. At what age do you want to get married?
  9. Single or taken?
  10. Tell us what do you love about yourself.
  11. Comment about me, thank you :)
okayyy... now sesi Q&A bersama cik Najwa Ameer :)

Who is your best teacher you ever had?
of course, my mum is the best teacher that i ever had, since i was born until now!
i love you IBU!

Do you have your own fashion? What is it?
nope. saya suka fashion. saya boleh tlg org lain utk b'fashion.
but, i don't have the guts utk pakaikn kat diri sendiri.
tak confident dgn org lain punya 'OKAYYYY...'
bila kita tanya ... 'okayyy tak?' HAHAHA

What is your favorite number?
numbe favourite saya 4. whyyy???
sebab saya lahir pada 4 haribulan.
&&& numbe 4 is my lucky charms!

What song did you hear just now?
i love you like a love song by Selena Gomez :)

Do you like cat?
yes i really do ♥ catsss.
mereka sangat comel. kucing parsi YEAHHHH!
tapi takut nak pegang. HAHAHA
&&& the most thg is, saya allergic to fur. sgt sedih ):

Why do you make this blog?
saya rasa sangat sunyi waktu tu & i have no one to talk to.
nak express rasa hati bila sedih gembira smua.
so, saya confess la kat IMAN saya ni ..
HAHA.. tapi kan.. kat penang saya jarang online & kat rumah sibuk.

What is your ideal home like?
saya suka rumah yg sederhana besar.
taknak banglo. takutt.
rumah yang banyak pokok bunga :)
english style..
haha.. treehouse pun bulehhhh :)))

At what age do you want to get married?
i like this question! haha.. tak tahula.. bfore 27 pasti!

Single or taken?
i'm taken. HAHA

Tell us what do you love about yourself.
saya suka bila dengar saya gelak :)
rasa sangat gembira ...

Comment about Najwa:
najwa sangat peramah.
garng jugak orangnyaa.. wow
dia sgt tabah :)
dia cepat give up, tapi cepat jgk bangun balik.
dia suka snap gmbar! HAHA
saya tahu dia gila math.
thank you sebab sudi kawan ngan saya ;)

okayyy.. now. done answeringg. saya nak tag orang pula :)

here the questions;

1. if something terrible happen & you only can help a person,
who will you help? & why?? *other than family members.
2. if you were given 4 wishes. what will you wish for?
3. why people should be proud of you?
4. the most bad thing about you, that you realize it well.
5. what kind of things that you very fear of? *such as dark, lightning or etc
6. do you have anything that you really want to have? but till now, you still don't have it..
7. other than in malaysia. where do you really wanna go for a holidayyy? why?
8. what is the most harsh word that you ever use?
9. how many kids do you wanna have in the future?
10. who am i to you?
11. what is the best word to describe me?

HAHA.. tu je kot..
btw, thanks :)
tribute to Najwa Ameer.



  1. myaaaaa...

    saya suka jawapan anda untuk second question..
    absolutely right !!
    thanks for being my unofficial character designer <3

  2. man: man.. jwb jgn tak jwb...
    'aisha: haha.. fashionista la sgt...
